The Institute is pleased to inform the public of the introduction of a new improved PLS for the use of currently registered Public Analysts effective 1st October, 2023.
The public should please demand this from anyone who parades himself as a Public Analyst. The PLS is to be affixed to every Certificate of Analysis (CoA) that is issued under the hand of a Public Analyst provided that the laboratory where the analysis was effected has been designated, registered and fully licensed by the Institute.(Please always check the website liwww.i for list of the currently registered analytical laboratories).
The Public should take note that a Public Analyst is the only one authorized by Law to analyse Food, Water, Drugs, Medical Devices, Cosmetics, Water, Chemicals, Chemically and Biologically based Consumer Products, etc. and issue Certificate of Analysis in respect of the analysis in Nigeria, IPAN ACT CAP I.16 LFN 2004 (formerly Decree No. 100 of 1992).